“Strategic Lighting: Finding the Most Practical Places to Install Wall Lights at Home”

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Wall lighting is often utilized in home decoration, and lighting is among their primary purposes. Additionally, it improves the interior decoration effect.

Also, if installing wall lights within the home, where is they suitable for installation?

Below, Xiaofan summarizes many practical stories of family members that have been remodeled to tell everyone.


In general, a few wall lamps are positioned in the hallways of homes for auxiliary lighting,

and the height of the wall lamps installed in these areas must be higher than the angle of contact with the eye.

At the same time you can also add some ornaments added around the wall lamps

A hanging painting or small tables under the lamp on the wall can create an even more noticeable impact.


Many people set up wall lights on their beds, because bedrooms need additional lighting.

If you’re at home reading or getting up in the evening the wall lamp becomes important.

It is best to choose wall lamps that can be adjusted lamps with soft lighting, and enough brightness to meet the needs.

The lamps on the walls in the bedroom must be in line with the overall design, but not be too jarring.

and try not to choose certain exaggerated shapes like animal pictures with claws and teeth.


The installation of wall lamps in restaurants should be able create a local light effect.

There is the option of installing wall lamps or chandeliers if the space is big enough.

But, if your restaurant is too small and you feel that installing chandeliers

The space will appear cramped and crowded,

Install one or two wall lights on the wall.

When dining, it also feels like a luxurious dining hall

that is extremely elegant and has a very strong atmosphere.

In the mirror in front of the bathroom

You can install wall lamps in front of mirrors in the bathroom.

Most likely, it should be directly above the mirror with the light directed downwards.

So, the lighting effect will be more effective.

Wall lamps must have the same style as faucets and showerheads, resulting in a greater overall impact.


Only a few people choose to put up wall lamps on their balconies.

Wall lamps are only used on attractive balconies and, in particular, during summer nights

When two of the wall lamps are turned on, the scene outside is very relaxing.

The placement of the light fixture in the wall is vital.

However, it also has to coordinate with and match the surroundings.